June 1, 2013 Evening Sail over to Ayala Cove with the Garton’s


Motoring at night to Ayala Cove on Angel Island with the Garton's

Motoring at night to Ayala Cove on Angel Island with the Garton’s

Arriving on the boat shortly before dark after having spent Saturday afternoon at our nephew Christian’s high school graduation party, we quickly prepared the boat for a visit from Rick’s sister Elena and her husband Neil.  They were able to find a babysitter on short notice.  They hopped on the boat and we motored over to Ayala Cove.  First we headed over to the mooring balls by the Sausalito Yacht Club, which offer a better view of the City lights, but they were all taken. It took about an hour to get over to Ayala Cove, get moored, etc.  We left about 2000 and arrived around 2100.  After mooring, we sipped some wine and ate appetizers until after 2200 and then motored back.  Being out on the Bay at night is so lovely.

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